Does Semax Need To Be Refrigerated?


One of the most common questions about Semax relates to its needs regarding temperature sensitivity. Here's the quick answer:

You should store Semax in the fridge

In most cases it would likely be okay if you didn't, though (as it contains methylparaben). However, keeping it cool willact as an extra layer of protection to keep the quality intact.

We'll get into why exactly this is, how long it can last at room temperature, as well as whether it needs special packaging when shipped.

Semax and Refrigeration

The first thing to understand is that Semax is a peptide, which is a string of amino acids held together by a peptide bond. 

The proteins are sensitive to low and high temperatures, as well as large quick swings in temperatures, which causes them to denature by changing their shape.

The amino acid chain isn't (likely) affected, but the shape can change enough to cause a loss of function- leading to the nootropic no longer working.

Along with temperature, peptides are also sensitive to light. 

It's one of those things that you hear that need to be stored in a "cool dark place" (though in this case, extra cool is ideal). 

Fortunately, keeping it in a dark place is as easy as keeping it in its original bottle, so there's nothing to worry about.

Therefore, keep it stored in the fridge

The cold doesn't cause denaturing of proteins until well below freezing, so there's no real need to worry if your refrigerator is too cold.

Won't Temperature Affect Packaging?

Semax contains methylparaben, which helps keep it stable and extends the shelf life a bit.

This preservative is used in many medications, food and cosmetics to serve this exact purpose. It helps ensure the quality keeps stable for around a month or so. 

That should be more than enough time to receive it once it's shipped.

If you use a vendor like (use RED10 for 10% off) or CosmicNootropic... they bothhave their own US warehouses where they import nootropics (like Semax). 

This means less time being shipped and more time stored properly in a colder environment.

Irrelevant but mildly interesting... methylparaben is a pheromone produced in wolves. It acts as a deterrent for competing males to mount females in heat. Queen honey bees produce it as well, yet for the opposite reason of attracting drones for mating.

What is the Shelf Life of Semax?

Unopened, you can expect a bottle of Semax to last around 2 years before beginning to degrade. 

If it's opened, it should last around 6 months

Since many use Semax for its nootropic effects and don't take it that frequently (weekly or on occasion), it makes it that much more important to keep it properly stored to last until it's used up.

Does Selank Follow the Same Protocol?

You should follow the same protocol for Selank as you do for its cousin Semax.

It's a bit more susceptible to heat damage, so keep that in mind if you're choosing one over the other.

Make sure to not shake the bottle for either, though.

It can be easy to forget when most other nose sprays (like decongestants) advise you to do it. 

It's not as important as keeping it cool (as it's still fairly durable) but it's still a peptide. Best to play it safe.


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