dative advice

how to invite a girl to your place over text


If you're inexperienced or not confident enough to know what to say through text- this short guide is for you.

However, you need to understand one crucial thing...

Being direct is very effective.

We'll get into other options, but purely just saying, "want to hang out?" should be enough if she already likes you.

How to Invite Her Over Through Text

If things are new between you and her, and you only want to hang out, you can go about it differently.

Specifically, inviting her over to do something is typically best. 

If you know her well enough, this may be easy, as you can suggest watching a specific movie or tv show.

There are also more classic options like making food, playing board games, etc. 

There's no reason to make it more complicated than just, "want to watch the ringer later?"

You could also say, "You should come give me some company 🙂"

Of course, if you don't know her that well (and it's during the day), you may have better options outside your home. 

Bowling has always been a fun option for me on dates, but there are many options based on what either of you like to do.

Most women will pick up on your intentions when you ask her over.

Still, it's smart to make sure she knows what you want.

This may mean light flirting/teasing beforehand, or even something more direct. 

If you're not good at that, don't sweat it. Just suggesting to hang out is still enough.

When you're inviting her over, say something like:

"My place is free in the evening tomorrow. You should come by"

She'll know what you're after since you mention that you'll be by yourselves.

Other than that, you can also bring up things to do (like watching a show or movie).

A couple on a bed, talking.

Don't Skimp Out On Inviting Her Over

When I was around 19, I had minimal experience with dating or women in general. 

I missed a ton of clear signs that some girls were screening me. 

It was surprising how often it happened until I clued in...

In my mind, I thought I always had to take a girl out for coffee or a drink. I was utterly oblivious that they just wanted to fool around. 

I remember working as a promoter on new years at a casino. I had to walk around with two lightly dressed women handing out beads and party horns.

Later on, around 2am after I went home, I noticed I had received an email from one of the girls... 

She managed to somehow find my email address. 

We exchanged a few messages. She wasn't super direct, but it was still obvious (in hindsight) that she didn't just want a coffee date...

Unfortunately, I didn't clue in at the time.

She wanted the D... that night.

It just went over my oblivious head.

Hell, other times were even less subtle, literally inviting me over to their place...

The lesson here is that women want to hook up!

Many want to do it quick, and with no strings attached. Don't let those opportunities pass by.

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