Here's how you ask a friend out over text:

Use an indirect approach.

This is often best as you can gradually gauge their interest in you. 

This way, you're not exposing yourself to outright rejection. 

If rejection does happen, it'll be easier to revert to being friends (since you didn't techncially ask them out).

Here's an example of what you could text to hang out:

"hey, I'm bored, you doing anything tonight?" ---> "the fairs in town, want to check it out?"

You may instead have a better idea based on your friend's interests. 

The activity doesn't have to be super casual but, ideally, is not an obvious "date" if you're unsure of the outcome.

Another option is to go to a hockey or soccer game together. 

You can say you got free tickets and how your usual friends aren't available. This way, it's low-pressure, but you can still spend quality time with them.

Finally, a good way to gauge interest is to flirt with them

Be playful and tease a bit. If they reciprocate, it's a green light to ask them out!

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Is it OK to ask a friend out over text?

While asking your friend out indirectly helps you avoid a typical "rejection," they may still pick up on your intentions.

If they say no, it can jeoparadize your friendship for the future. Things may be awkward going forward.

If they say yes, the friendship is still at risk: 90% of relationships fail before the age of 30

The likelihood of a potential relationship failing is high, so weigh the risks vs. rewards.

Given the potential consequences, ensure that you genuinely want to pursue this. 

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have feelings for them, or is it just my only option?
  • Would it be too awkward or difficult to continue being friends?
  • Also: acknowledge the potential long-term effects on your friend group. More often than not, groups of friends both form and end around relationships within them.

    As for doing it over text there's nothing wrong with that approach

    Asking your friend out in person could catch them off guard with such a direct question. Moreover, they might need time to consider it, and texting allows for that.

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